Fashion is special
Fashion & Art
Since 2016 we have been producing the Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week. Twice a year in different locations and with the requirement for a different spirit. From large supporting shows, to alternative small presentations, parallel trendy social events and vice versa. The Fashion Week project represents a clear rendering of our competence for big projects and our flair and sense for small and unconventional happenings.
We like to praise long-term collaborations with creators whose creative handwriting and style we can underline with our own take on presentation. For Zuzana Kubíčková we create shows every year. Fashion shows that form a distinctive platform for always new and original presentations have in the past years been situated in the theatrical spaces of the Boccacio ballroom, the monumental hall of the Rudolfinum, the slender tower of the International Hotel, Prague 6, and even on the nocturnal Vinařská Street in the middle of Letná district in Prague 7. We are also behind Jan Černý's shows on Letná Plain or the Rowing Island in Podolí, Prague 4.